The Business Terrace

The Business Terrace, King Street, Maidstone, UK

A flexible workspace designed for Maidstone businesses

The Business Terrace is Maidstone Borough Council’s growth accelerator, providing high-quality flexible workspace to help businesses start, grow and thrive. Based in the heart of Maidstone, The Business Terrace brings together like-minded individuals who influence, inspire and energise one-another. Inside, you’ll find more than 7,000ft² of office space, coworking desks, and meeting rooms. The flexible format facilitates dynamism, informal collaboration and networking, giving established businesses everything they need to thrive and creating opportunities for fledgling firms to spread their wings and fly!

European Coworking Day Open House hours: 10:00 – 15:00

We will be offering a free day of hot desking for all Maidstone businesses to celebrate the day. We'll also be holding a community lunch with local banks and business support providers also in attendance