14 May 2025 is the 3rd
European Coworking Day

Cupcakes with European Coworking Day logo at Collabor8te on 10 May 2023

Our aims for 2025:







The European Coworking Day is a distributed and crowdsourced event – a day to celebrate coworking and community, and their impact on individuals and society, through events organized by and taking place in coworking spaces all over Europe.

Online events

(all times are in local time of the respective organizer)

Don’t miss it

Get involved in the
European Coworking Day 2025!

Whether you are operating a coworking space or hear the word “coworking” for the first time today, there are multiple options to get on board of the #eucoworkingday

Organize an event in your coworking space to become a part of the European Coworking Day
Organize an event and join as a coworking space

Coworking space partners and their events are the core of the European Coworking Day

Become one of our ambassadors and spead the word about the European Coworking Day in your country or region
Spread the word as an ECD Ambassador

Connect with your coworking space peers in your country or region to make them aware of the ECD

Support the ECD as a sponsor

Do you have a product or service for coworking spaces or their members? Reach them through the ECD!

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

The event does not need to break your organizing capacitities! Start with signing up with your location as a first step. In the login area, you will also find the European Coworking Day Handbook with handy tips for event organization, and you can add your event details in a second step later on!

You don’t need to organize a separate, dedicated event for Coworking Day if your event fits in the Coworking Day concept. Hence, register your location and event with us and profit from a free additional layer of promotion!

It’s great to hear that you want to support the European Coworking Day, and of course are happy if you spread the idea among your existing customers to become a part of the movement!
However, our official Ambassador program is intended for non-profit coworking alliances and for individuals (involved in an alliance or building an alliance on the longer run). As a product and service supplier, contact us at info@coworkingday.eu for a sponsorship opportunity that helps to make your offer shine.

Claudius Krucker, initiator of the European Coworking Day, has been active in the coworking ecosystem in Switzerland and beyond for about 10 years

About the European Coworking Day

The European Coworking Day is a project initiated by Claudius Krucker in autumn 2022. Claudius is a community coworking enthusiast, started his first CreativeSpace coworking space in 2014 in St.Gallen, Switzerland, and acts as Co-President of Coworking Switzerland, the coworking community in Switzerland. Claudius is active in connecting freelancers and entrepreneurs communities, and is the founder of the exhibition platform artagenda.com.

When Claudius presented the project idea to the European Coworking Assembly, it gained traction and was discussed in an Unconference session at the Coworking Europe Conference in November 2022. Among a sharpening of the concept, the session also resulted in a concrete date for the first edition of a Europe-wide Coworking Day: Wednesday 10 May 2023. That’s how the project really kicked off!

After the first edition with 80 participating coworking spaces from 18 countries across Europe, the second edition was announced to take place on 22 May 2024, where more than 145 spaces from 21 countries took part.

So stay tuned how the story will evolve!

Friends and Ambassadors

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